Monday, February 15, 2016

The Voice Of C38

By: Brendan "Dr. Voice" Wyatt

It’s been a long time coming. Someone needed to step up and represent the Colorado Rapids with a professional, yet fan based, perspective of the team’s operations and performance. Poor journalism on top of bad relationships between the media and the Rapids front office has left us, the fans, with little to no insight into our beloved burgundy boys.  Major networks choose to cover other sports, functions, and often are misinformed or uninterested when it comes to the Rapids.  Most don’t know who really runs the team. They don’t understand the tactics behind a play, or behind a personnel move.  They don’t even know how to properly pronounce players’ names.

At the end of last year’s season I was vexed.  If you missed my end of the season rant, I stated that I felt handcuffed to minimal content and exposure.  I had dreams and visions of what I wanted to put out to the fan base and I felt like it was time to speak out.  My intent did not go unnoticed and Centennial 38 went to bat for me over the offseason and “The Voice of C38” was born. 
The Voice of C38 is just a small part of a complete, new media wing to accompany C38 in its growth.  Complete meaning a YouTube channel has been formed, the website has been overhauled Chip Foose style and will blow your mind with the amount of content we will be adding.  The Voice of C38 will be our flagship podcast show of what will eventually be a fleet of podcasts. We’ll also be including regular YouTube shows.  Written content will be upgraded as well.  We have added a few credible reporters to assist us in added content so it won’t be just Michael Sandoval and myself anymore.  

What is the Voice of C38?  It’s not just a podcast, or its host. It is the Rapids fan—supporter or not.  We can’t just separate the fan from the supporter. After all, I’ve seen a few too many supporters turn to the dark side and have lost their way when it comes to how we view this club we all love.  The Voice of C38 is everyone involved in what it takes to be a fan.  Centennial 38 is dedicated to you, the community, and we want to be able to finally provide the voice that we, as fans, deserve.
We have an email address for every media member. A message system will be put in place and we encourage everyone to add to our written content. All that we ask is for it to be factual and honest, and your voice will be heard.

It is our goal at Centennial 38 to be more than just informative about the Rapids, but about our happenings as well.  Tifo, tailgates, charity events, viewing parties—you name it.  We will make sure you have the proper information you need to attend, help out or whatever you as a Rapids fan feel inclined to contribute (even if it’s just to show up and cheer the boys on).   If at any time in the past 20 years you felt like the Rapids were not getting any love from the media, know that’s all about to change. We have built a solid, functioning, independent relationship with the Rapids front office. We are ambitious and ripe with talent.  C38 is a growing organization with a vast array of personalities and talents, and this year we are reaching higher and aiming further.

This year starts now.


  1. Awesome news! This is how we build our football culture that supports the Rapids.

  2. Awesome! I'm interested to see if you will take an unadulterated approach to your podcasts or if your hands will be tied bc of your relationship with the Rapids organization. Please stay true.
